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    Graduate from high school and acquire vocational skills at the same time with the IBA

Integrated vocational training preparation (IBA)

Yes, you are in the right place!

Do you want to catch up on your MSA (intermediate school leaving certificate) or the (extended) vocational training certificate (eBBR)? Then we have the right course for you, because with the Integrated Vocational Training Preparation (IBA) we offer you something like a school-leaving certificate upgrade.

Within one school year, you can acquire

  • the vocational training entrance qualification (BBR),
  • the extended vocational training entrance qualification (eBBR),
  • or the intermediate school leaving certificate (MSA)

and at the same time improve your chances of starting vocational training or employment.

Course dates

Almost done... just quickly change the language: The instruction language of this course is German, therefore you will find all start dates and course contents only in the German version of the website.

Continue in German

What are the admission conditions for the IBA?

To be able to do the Integrated Vocational Training Preparation (IBA) with us, the following admission requirements apply:

  • You have completed compulsory schooling (10 years) and
  • have not yet completed vocational training
  • German is not your mother tongue? Language level German B1

Why do I need the IBA?

To put it in a nutshell: you will graduate from school, but with better skills!

The IBA replaces the one-year school-based business school or a vocational qualification course. It prepares you for entry into vocational training or employment in Business and Administration while you obtain your school-leaving certificate at the same time.

In addition to the normal school subjects, you will receive basic vocational training and extended general knowledge. You will also gain valuable practical experience by completing two internships and qualify straight away for a transition into vocational training.

Business and Administration training programme

In the training programme in Business and Administration, you will learn all the important basics on the following topics in job-related lessons at the IBA:

  • Business practice
  • Economics
  • Accounting
  • Job-related studies for practical application,

In addition, you will complete two internships in companies of your choice.

Training programme in Technology

In the training programme in Business and Administration, you will learn all the important basics on the following topics in job-related lessons at the IBA:

  • Business practice
  • Economics
  • Accounting
  • Job-related studies for practical application,

In addition, you will complete two internships in companies of your choice.

    How do the IBA exams work?

    For the students admitted to the MSA examination the Integrated Vocational Training Preparation ends with centrally prepared written examinations by the state of Berlin. The exams are written in German, English and mathematics directly at our college.

    The fourth examination component is a presentation examination. It is conducted in the business-related subjects of business practice / data processing, accounting or economics. In addition, students have an English oral exam.

    Two successfully completed internships are required for the successful completion of the IBA, and we will support you in these internships, just as we do in the school-based part of the program.

    What happens after the IBA?

    With the IBA, you acquire a

    ● professional qualification ("integrated vocational training preparation qualification") as well as a

    ● school-leaving qualification (MSA, eBBR or BBR) and

    You can continue your career straight afterwards with a state-recognized dual or school-based qualification.

    Next steps

    We would like to get to know you and would be pleased if you simply registered for one of our information events.

    At these events, we will introduce you to your course of study or suitable alternatives and explain the training process at GPB College. Furthermore, we will discuss the possibilities of financial support for your studies.

    You are welcome to send us your application in advance, including a short cover letter, a curriculum vitae in table form and your last school report.

    Once all the basic conditions have been clarified, you can start at the earliest possible date. Any questions? Click here for the answers!

    And when does it start?

    Almost done... just quickly change the language: The instruction language of this course is German, therefore you will find all start dates and course contents only in the German version of the website.

    Continue in German