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    Sport and fitness not just as a hobby, but as the focus of daily work

Sports and Fitness Management Assistant

With IHK qualification and trainer licence B included.

Are you a sports enthusiast who would like to turn your passion into a profession? Do you look just as good in sportswear as you do in a shirt or blouse? Then start training as a sports and fitness agent now!

Course dates

Almost done... just quickly change the language: The instruction language of this course is German, therefore you will find all start dates and course contents only in the German version of the website

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Entry requirements

  • Erweiterte Berufsbildungsreife (eBBR) for the vocational qualification

  • Intermediate school-leaving certificate (MSA) for the professional qualification incl. A-levels (double qualification)

  • German is not your mother tongue? Language level German B1

What do sports and fitness assitants do?

As a sports and fitness assistant, you will be responsible for general administrative and organisational tasks as well as advising sports- and health-conscious people. From the initial physical check-up to individual exercise and nutrition advice and the creation of resulting training plans, you accompany your customers on their personal journey to success.

In addition, you develop concepts for sports offers, you plan and organise e.g. marketing and health-related events, procure sports equipment, goods and services and are technically capable of coordinating the essential operational processes of the sports business.

Your advantages at GPB College

Advantage 1: secondary school diploma (Fachabitur)

At GPB College, we offer this training programme as a dual qualification. This means that you can also obtain your Fachabitur as part of the training programme.

If you choose this path, you will receive additional instruction and take the state Abitur exam at the end of your training. This will not only increase your job opportunities, but it will also open the door to further studies.

Advantage 2: Additional qualifications & events

  • Trainer license B
  • Additional certificates (IT or languages)
  • Sports AGs
  • Summer and winter sports trips
  • Indoor and outdoor sports festivals

How does the training programme work?

Training to become a sports and fitness administrator takes 3 years and can be divided into 4 phases: Theory lessons, practical training, exam preparation and exams. When you pass the exams, you will receive a recognised vocational qualification from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

At the beginning of the course, you will learn the theoretical basics in so-called inter-occupational modules. Later, this knowledge is deepened in job-specific modules and the practical phase is prepared. With detailed basic knowledge, you then start your 10-month internship at a relevant sports company of your choice. The internship helps you to apply specialist knowledge in "real" everyday working life and to make your first important contacts in the industry.

For intensive exam preparation, you will then return to the classroom, where our teachers will prepare you precisely for the requirements of the IHK final exam.

Does this job suit you?

Ideally, you have the following skills:

  • Interest in sports, nutrition and health issues
  • An interest in business administration and management
  • Organisational and planning skills
  • Communication skills and assertiveness
  • A sense of responsibility and good powers of observation

Don't panic if you don't see yourself in all the points. Just apply anyway and together we'll find out whether the job suits you or not.

Where do sports and fitness assitants work?

The field of the sports and health industry is huge, so you have a wide range of job opportunities:in gyms, athletic clubs and recreation centres

  • at sports associations and clubs
  • with operators of sports facilities
  • in wellness and health centres
  • with sports event organisers
  • in public swimming pools or sports schools

In addition, there are also employment opportunities in the following work areas/industries:

  • Public administration in the fields of health care, education, culture and social services or economic promotion, regulation and supervision.
  • The hotel industry, e.g. sports hotels
  • Sports retail

Career opportunities

Successful completion of this course opens up many opportunities for you, because you are not only a highly sought-after specialist in the administrative sector, but you can also gain even higher professional and personal qualifications through further training or study.

Career opportunities in this profession are, for example:

  • Fitness specialist
  • Sports administrator
  • Studying sports management
  • Studying sports science

Next steps

We would like to get to know you and would be happy if you simply registered for one of our information events.

Here we will introduce you to your desired profession or suitable alternatives and explain the training process at GPB College. We will also discuss the possibilities of financial support for your training.

You are welcome to send us your application in advance, consisting of a short cover letter, a curriculum vitae in table form and your most recent school report.

Once all the basic conditions have been clarified, you can start at the earliest possible date. Any questions? Click here for the answers.

And when does it start?

Almost done... just quickly change the language: The instruction language of this course is German, therefore you will find all start dates and course contents only in the German version of the website

Continue in German