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    Views of everyday college life and special moments.

DoKomi Japan Convention 2024

Every year, more and more fans of Japan from all over Europe visit DoKomi. They go to enjoy the live acts from Japan, the Japanese food and the many new releases from the anime and manga universes. We were also there again from 6 to 8 June.

DoKomi Japan Convention 2023

With over 150,000 visitors, this year's 15th DoKomi broke all records and once again, we were right in the middle of the hotspot of Japanese pop culture.

Japan day 2023

The fascination with Japan in the middle of the Rhine metropolis Düsseldorf. We immersed ourselves in the diversity of cultures and discovered the latest trends again. It was an unforgettable experience with great potential for celebration.

Japan day 2020

We were guests at the Japan Festival at URANIA and were able to immerse ourselves in the diversity of Japan and report on our foreign language training from 25 to 26 January.

Expolingua 2019

We were at Expolingua Berlin 2019, Germany's leading trade fair for languages and cultures, from 22 - 23 November.

DoKomi Japan Convention 2019

On 8 and 9 June, we immersed ourselves in the colourful and flashy anime and Japan expo in Düsseldorf. It was a lot of fun.

Dream Job Media Fair 2019

On 29.01.2019, we were at the Traumberuf Medien trade fair and presented our training programme.

Japan day 2019

It was the 10th Anniversary of the Berlin Japan Festival Berlin at the URANIA on 26 and 27 January 2019 and we, the GPB College were right in the middle of it.