Dear students, we are happy to welcome you in the new school year and hope that the vacations were relaxing and everyone is in good health.
Turbulent times are behind us, so we are all happier that our school building has been brought back to life with the arrival of the students and the classrooms are no longer empty.
For many of our new arrivals a new and exciting period of life is now beginning. We are happy that we can support and accompany them on their way. It is our common goal that we can celebrate the successful graduations at the end of the school years and everyone can hold a certificate in their hands. However, there are still many weeks and months ahead of us before we can reach this goal.
But now an exciting and eventful beginning awaits our "new faces". Besides the many new impressions from the classroom, the first lessons, they will spend a sporty day at the sports festival and go on the traditional "Kennlernfahrt" to Ahlbeck or to the Werbellinsee.
If you are still looking for an apprenticeship in the commercial sector, you have to be quick now. We still have some remaining places to offer. Contact us now.