What is Ms. Holle doing in Tokyo?

A travel report on an incredibly exciting discovery tour in Japan.

japan travel blog 2024

Japan... a country full of fascinating culture, technological innovation and economic dynamism, attracts numerous visitors from all over the world every year. So much for what is generally written in travel guides.

However, we traveled to the land of the rising sun for a week as a delegated group of 8 students with a very specific goal. We wanted to find out what our professional future could look like there, because after all, we started our training as foreign language correspondents and European correspondents with an international career in mind.

To help us find our way around, we received daily lessons at our partner school, the Intercultural Institute of Japan, to work intensively on our Japanese language skills.

With the support of the German-Japanese Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK), we then had the unique opportunity to immerse ourselves directly in the Japanese working world and went on an exclusive career exploration trip that gave us a look behind the scenes of Japanese companies.

The companies selected by the AHK offered us an authentic insight into the professional fields and working methods. From corporate culture to career opportunities, we had the chance to ask questions and learn first-hand what it means to work in a Japanese company. Themes such as internship opportunities, potential job offers and training requirements for employment were explored in more detail.

For us personally, this career exploration trip was a great experience that we will not soon forget and at the same time it marks the successful development of German-Japanese relations in the education and business sector.

In our travel blog, you can find out all about our experiences on site and what Mrs. Holle is all about.

And who knows, maybe you too will soon be one of the next groups of delegates to enjoy this unique educational experience.